Cutting Through The COVID Clutter

Cutting Through The COVID Clutter
With demand for eBikes growing fast in the UK, SHIFT were tasked with securing mass media coverage for Bosch eBike Systems UK, keeping them ever present as the industry leader, to consumers exploring the potential of an eBike. Although, at this time, we were somewhat in the midst of a cycling boom, it was essential we pitch stories that cut through the noise and produced meaningful coverage.
SHIFT’s consumer research made it clear that the Covid-19 pandemic had led to an increase in demand for eBikes, which was particularly prevalent in those who had never considered cycling before, nor identified as a ‘cyclist’. In order to reach them, it was essential to amend our PR strategy to reach this new audience whilst not neglecting our core and existing eBike riders.
SHIFT’s PR team led the way in working with the UK media to enable them access to the information they needed and create the content that their audiences were hungry for. We built a network of Bosch partner bike brands and retailers to ensure we could get journalists on bikes, provide spokespeople for comment and deliver media coverage with a rich tapestry of eCycling content relevant for a wide range of consumer personas, all centered around Bosch.
SHIFT delivered in excess of 150 pitches to news and lifestyle media, landing cycling content with a broad selection of publications and websites - including the likes of The Evening Standard, GQ and Metro, resulting in coverage that achieved an estimated OTS of 464 million.
Additionally, having developed relationships with Bosch OEMs and partners, we worked hard to secure mutually beneficial coverage opportunities in titles such as The Guardian and Country Life Magazine with minimal cost to Bosch.

SHIFT surpassed the agreed deliverables generating 171 clippings and 5.6 billion opportunities to see, 113% and 267% of target respectively.
Opportunities To See

2020 was a benchmark year in terms of PR for Bosch eBike Systems in the UK. This was maximised thanks to our partnership with the SHIFT PR Team who continue to be a valued partner.

Chris Astle
UK Marketing Manager