YT Industries
IZZO Launch

YT Industries
IZZO Launch
To launch the all-new YT Izzo, a cross-country bike inspired by the speed, agility and precision of a katana sword.
We knew the bike represented something new for YT Industries and gave the brand the opportunity to open up a new audience of MTB riders, while also enabling their existing fans and customers to add to their garage of YT bikes. However, we would need to present the Izzo’s attributes in a way that demonstrated this bike was YT through and through, and only the unexpected was to be expected.
From YT's initial concept, we developed a launch film and supporting advertising that broke the mould for the cycling industry. Teaming up with leading animation company, The Line, we produced a piece of authentic manga film that would drive awareness, with an integrated campaign spanning all channels, at scale.
The manga-inspired, minute-long animated film told a story of a ninja who used his weapon to overcome three mythical beasts, by applying speed, agility and sharpness – the three core attributes of the YT Izzo.
With more than two million views in the first week the Izzo campaign delivered record breaking-traffic to the YT website, along with unrivalled social engagement and exposed new audiences to the brand and their range of incredible bikes.

It was one of the smoothest projects I've been involved with so far because everyone from The Line, SHIFT and YT Industries put all their heart into it.

Andreas John
Creative Director, YT Industries