Rider Research Hub
The Rider Research Hub is a cycling and riding forum where we seek out opinions from riders all over the world, and across all types of riding. Members share their opinions, expertise and knowledge by engaging in a wide range of activities including surveys, polls, discussions and more. And as riders participate, they earn the opportunity to win fantastic cycling prizes.
The Hub is run by SHIFT Active Media, the world’s leading cycling-focused agency.
To keep up with the latest from The Rider Research Hub follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
The Rider Research Hub is also available in the following countries:
France: https://plateformerecherchecycliste.fr
Spain: https://plataformaopinionciclista.es
Italy: https://lhubdelciclismo.it
Germany: https://fahrradfragen.de
Japan: ttps://xn--eckwc1b2azg6e.jp
Or if you’ve got any questions, get in touch with us by email research@shiftactivemedia.com